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 1. Lucie Duff-Gordon  102 - April 19, 1867: Sir Alexander Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 2. Lucie Duff-Gordon  102 - April 19, 1867: Sir Alexander Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 3. Lucie Duff-Gordon  115 - December 20, 1867: Sir Alexander Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 4. Lucie Duff-Gordon  096 - January 22, 1867: Sir Alexander Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 5. Lucie Duff-Gordon  053 - February 7, 1867: Sir Alexander Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 6. Lucie Duff-Gordon  105 - June 30, 1867: Sir Alexander Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 7. Lucie Duff-Gordon  112 - October 17, 1867: Sir Alexander Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 8. Lucie Duff-Gordon  109 - August 7, 1867: Sir Alexander Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 9. Lucie Duff-Gordon  011 - April 13, 1863: Sir Alexander Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 10. Lucie Duff-Gordon  062 - May, 1865: Sir Alexander Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 11. Lucie Duff-Gordon  083 - July 17, 1866: Sir Alexander Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 12. Lucie Duff-Gordon  017 - October 19, 1863: Sir Alexander Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 13. Lucie Duff-Gordon  019 - October 31, 1863: Sir Alexander Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 14. Lucie Duff-Gordon  089 - October 19, 1866: Sir Alexander Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 15. Lucie Duff-Gordon  083 - July 17, 1866: Sir Alexander Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 16. Lucie Duff-Gordon  020 - November 14, 1863: Sir Alexander Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 17. Lucie Duff-Gordon  070 - January 15, 1866: Sir Alexander Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 18. Lucie Duff-Gordon  089 - October 19, 1866: Sir Alexander Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 19. Lucie Duff-Gordon  077 - March 31, 1866: Sir Alexander Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 20. Lucie Duff-Gordon  017 - October 19, 1863: Sir Alexander Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 21. Lucie Duff-Gordon  050 - January 8, 1865: Dowager Lady Duff Gordon  Letters from Egypt 
 22. Gordon Small  April 5, 2009 PM - No Seperators - Gordon Small  Sermons 
 23. Tim 'Gonzo' Godorn  Tim 'Gonzo' Gordon Show April 27, 2005  DigitalAudioWorld.com 
 24. Gordon Small  April 26, 2009 AM - Have You Been With Jesus? - Gordon Small  Sermons 
 25. Gordon Small  April 12, 2009 Easter - The Cross and Ressurection - Gordon Small  Sermons 
 26. Gordon Small  April 19, 2009 PM - Israel's Rejection of Jesus Christ - Gordon Small  Sermons 
 27. President George W. Bush  President Bush Participates in Joint Press Availability with Prime Minister Gordon Brown of the United Kingdom - April 17, 2008  Presidential Speeches & Remarks 
 28. Lucie Duff-Gordon  104 - May 23, 1867: Mrs. Austin  Letters from Egypt 
 29. Lucie Duff-Gordon  108 - July 28, 1867: Mrs. Austin  Letters from Egypt 
 30. Lucie Duff-Gordon  107 - July 28, 1867: Mrs. Austin  Letters from Egypt 
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